Renew your support today so LMC can continue worthy projects to protect, restore, and be a voice for the Little Miami State and National Scenic River.

While the colder weather keeps many people off the river during the winter months, the work of the Little Miami Conservancy (LMC) continues year round to support the Little Miami State and National Scenic River in terms of stewardship and programming.
There is still time this year to renew your financial support of LMC, anticipating adventures for the year ahead. 2022 was a great year in terms of robust educational offerings, land acquisition and management, and scientific programs to restore and support this gem of a local ecosystem.
Key Projects Completed in 2022 -
EagleCam - 24 hour live access to a Bald Eagle family which was viewed in real time by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
Initiated LMC's first Freshwater Mussel Bio-monitoring Project with the help of noted experts and volunteers.
"Clean Sweep" Adventures with volunteers to pull out trash including tires that pollute and degrade the river environment.
Habitat Restoration at the Bieser Nature Preserve ( 1 mile of Riparian Restoration) and Land Acquisition at the Hanshaw Wetland Nature Preserve (90 Acres of wetland and floodplain habitat with over 2500 feet of riverbank along the Little Miami in Greene County now protected in perpetuity).

Free educational programs to hundreds of youth and adults at our river center in Loveland and all along the River ensuring the love of this river for generations to come.
2022 Little Miami Conservancy Achievements - by the Numbers
Restored more than a mile of river corridor by planting trees and native prairie plants
Protected 90 acres along the river in Greene County. We now serve as ongoing stewards of more than 120 beautiful nature preserves along the Little Miami River
Educated thousands of kids and adults about the river’s ecosystem through fishing and conservation programs held at the LMC River Center, at numerous schools, and on the river. We shared the lives of an eagle family and osprey family with hundreds of thousands of viewers with our online Live Raptor Cameras
Continued to monitor the health of the river by sampling for the presence of fish using Environmental DNA (eDNA) and 24-hour monitoring for levels of dissolved oxygen that is required for healthy animal populations. This year we kicked off the LMC Freshwater Mussel Bio-monitoring program to identify sites in the Little Miami River that are suitable for mussel restoration
Put over 100 volunteers to work at river cleanups “Clean Sweeps” removing tires and tons of trash from the river.
We are proud of our 55 year history working to restore and protect the Little Miami State and National Scenic River and look forward to another exciting and productive year in 2023. Together, we are conserving the beauty, the peace, and the river’s health that generations can enjoy and have come to rely on.
We thank you for your continued support!