LMC Recognizes Partee's 40 years of service to the Little Miami State and National Scenic River

A Win-Win Philosophy
How do you honor someone who has spent the last 40 years as a key steward of the Little Miami State and National Scenic River? Eric B. Partee, former Executive Director of the Little Miami Conservancy retired this year. Colleagues, friends, dignitaries, and fellow board members gathered to celebrate and honor Eric at a dinner October 13. At that event it was evident of the vital part Eric has played over his tenure in the ongoing conservation success to the Little Miami State and National Scenic River.
A Legacy of Achievement
During his 40 years as Executive Director Eric utilized his passion and knowledge to help LMC complete its mission of restoring and protecting the Little Miami State and National Scenic River. Eric has been instrumental in working with partners to ensure the protection of over 50% of the riparian corridor along the Little Miami River. As a result of Eric's leadership, LMC alone protects over 2,200 acres across seven counties. Eric has implemented innovative water quality programs, shared his passion for conservation with hundreds of thousands of youth and adults, planted over 50,000 trees, and conducted hundreds of river clean ups with thousands of volunteers.
Guests Gather to Honor Eric’s Work
At the dinner, honored guests spoke and praised Eric’s commitment to the many projects that have Eric’s “win-win” signature on them. Senator Steve Wilson read a State Senate resolution commending Eric for his 40 years of service as LMC Executive Director. Speakers included Mike Schueler (former LMC Director), Bob Gable (ODNR Scenic River Statewide Program Manager), and Tim Burke (former LMC Executive Director) praised Eric’s work as a lifelong commitment to the river.
In addition, the LMC Nature preserve located along the river near the former Peter's Cartridge Factory will be renamed and noted as the Eric B. Partee Nature Preserve. Lastly, LMC is establishing the Eric B. Partee Legacy Fund to support projects that help LMC meet its mission of restoring and protecting the Little Miami State and National Scenic River. The torch is now officially passed to our new Executive Director, Jason Brownknight.
Thank you Eric for your passion and commitment! A toast to the next 40 years on the Little Miami State and National Scenic River.